Saturday, July 30, 2011

Crossed by Ally Condie--release date Nov 1, 2011!

Crossed by Ally Condie

Guess who has an ARC of Crossed by Ally Condie! Me! I am so excited--I have never had an advanced reader's copy of a book before! Well, at least not before the book came out.

Review so far: The sequel to Matched, 2nd in the trilogy, is fast-paced, with crisp, clean writing so far. The story is told from the perspectives of Ky and Cassia in alternating chapters.

 Do you think the 3rd book will include Xander's perspective as well? I LOVE the setting of the Outer Provinces, which is inspired by Condie's home state of Utah. The descriptions remind me of Zion National Park.

Before the climax of the book, I felt a little bit bored. However, the pace quickened for the last 60 pages and now I can't wait to read the sequel. What is Xander's secret? Will Cassia and Ky be together or separated?

Song to Read by: When I read about "the Society," which only allows a Hundred Songs to be chosen, I am sooo grateful for the wealth of music in our world.

Check out "Anoanimal" by Andrew Bird: (live version)

Go to Ally Condie's website and you can read about song's on her Crossed playlist, songs she listened to while writing.

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